Editing Techniques

Dissolve: My Example

For my fade example, me and my group filmed a clip a section of people’s faces and used the dissolve to morph there faces into one another. The close ups of the people is to show the similarities between different people and show that even though they all have different lives, they are still all the same.

Fade: My Example

For my fade example, me and my group filmed a clip of a woman walking into a toilet, then after time the woman walking back out of the toilet. The fade is used to show a passage in time as the woman walks into the toilet then the fade occurs to show that time has passed and the woman walks out.


Fade in/ out is used when an picture turns to a colour, usually black. Fade is generally happens at the beginning of  a film or act, and fade outs is generally happens at the end of a film or act.

An example of fades is from the 2013 film trailer Gravity, about an astronaut and a medical engineer that try and survive together after an accident leaves them drifting in space.  Throughout the trailer, there are many fades to blacks. The fades helps the audience to feel the characters fear as they are detached in space and understand the emptiness of their atmosphere. The fade are frequent as they cuts to the sound of the character  breathing the rhythm gets quicker and makes the audience feel more anxious.


Dissolve is a editing technique, which is a gradual transition from one image to another. It overlaps two shots, usually a shot from the beginning of a scene to a shot from the end of a scene, in a fluid motion.

In the 2004 film The Butterfly Effect there are many dissolves as the character is able to travel forward and backwards in time, and as he jumps through time the dissolve effect is used. This is the final scene of the film, where the character Evan, played by Ashton Kutcher, is rewriting his life. He does this to save Kayleigh, the girl he loves, by doing this he has to make sure that they never become good friends as children, from then becomes a quick montage rewinding Evans life and showing Kayleigh’s alternate life now after her and evan never became friends. The dissolve is used in the montage feeling of a passage of time allowing the audience to quickly go through events in Kayleigh’s new timeline. The montage shows the audience how Kayleigh’s life is now resolved and how she grows having a normal life after never be connected with Evan.

Jump Cut: My Example

I’ve made three different short films that show the effect of jump cut. My first example of jump cut portrays the theme of anger. In the clip two characters have a fist fight, the scene is cut to a fast rhythm to show the anger shown by the characters. The camera moves around the characters as they fight, i wanted to show when the one character was overpowering the other, but resulting to wide angle shots to prove that the two characters mostly have the same strength.

The second film that involves the jump cut technique portrays the theme of confusion. In the clip the character is lost around a college and cant find where he is meant to be. The jump cut gives the effect of leaping in time as the character move around the camera changes positions to wide angles and close ups, doing this technique and by slowing down the clips, the audience can feel and understand the emotion of confusion that the character is feeling.

In my third clip, that has the jump cut technique, i’ve tried to show the theme of panic. In the clip the character has lost and goes looking for his wallet. During the scene the characters walks around looking for his wallet and keeps switching between a close up of him searching in his pocket for the wallet, by doing this the audience know that the character has been searching for his money for a while, as the use of jump cut helps to leap through time.

Jump Cut Example: 2001 A Space Odyssey

In the 1968 film Stanley Kubrick film ‘2001: A Space Odyssey,’ there is an effective use of Jump Cut. In the scene an ape, throws a bone in the air. It goes high, then as it comes down, the bone turns into the spaceship.

The bone which is a weapon of pre-histoirc man and the scene contains a jump cut as the bone flies through the air. Then the scene takes a leap forward about a million years, and the bone gives way to a similar shaped spaceship. This jump cut quickly shows the evolution and advances of man, to the ape to modern day, where we had been to space. This scene portrays the birth of modern man, and shows a dramatic upgrade new technology that have happened through millions of years, but shown in a few seconds. Kubrick uses this scene to portray the message of how sufficient the evolution of man is, as compared to other events that happen in the universe the birth of man is a small and sudden development.

Jump Cut

A jump cut is film editing technique in which two sequential shots of the same subject, taken from the same camera positions but a varied slightly. This type of edit can give the audince a really sense of emotion just though the edit. It’s mostly used to give the effect of jumping forwards in time.

In the Jean-Luc Godard’s Breathless, the jump cut was famously first used extensively. For this reason, jump cuts are considered a violation of continuity editing as it draws attention of the constructed editing on the film, it  aims to give the appearance of continuous time and space in the story-world.

Cross-Cutting: My Example

In my film i’ve used cross cutting by joining a clip of an interrogation and a clip of someone running. As the clip goes on the speed of the cutting gets faster, this creates  The audience thinks that the person running is going to become connected to the interrogation scene. For example the audience may believe that the person running is going to come a save to man being interrogated or that the person running is the man later escaping. Their ideas will change when the man being  interrogated gets shot, which is when the audience really starts to question, who’s running? and why? The big revelation is that the man running looks exactly the same as the man that gets shot. This also develops a character arc as in the end the woman was right to question weather it was the same guy that stole the drugs, as in the end they shot the wrong guy.

Cross-Cutting Example: Inception ‘Rotating Hallway Fight’

In the 2010 Christopher Nolan film ‘Inception,’ there is an effective use of cross-cutting. In the scene named ‘ Rotating Hallway Fight,’ the character Arthur played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt is having a physical fight between a subconscious (people a dream). The fight is happening inside a dream while Yusuf played by Dileep Rao is driving a van protecting the characters bodies, inside another dream

The scene switches between the hallway fight and the bodies in the van to show the audience that the two clips are happening at exactly the same time. This is important to help the audience understand the scene and understand that the hallway is rotating as a result of the van falling off the bridge, as the character’s body is in the van and is making his dream rotate. This also creates a great, unique visual fight as the characters fight as the hallway rotates and they fall and collapse around each each other. The tempo of the scene changes as the fight happens with a very fast pace then when it switches the car falls in slow motion style. Using this slow motion effect allows the audience the understand the storyline further, as the different characters are in a dreams that are inside each other and as you go deeper inside a dream the pace of time slows down, therefore to add to continuity it makes sense that more happens further in the dream then closer to reality.  This also keeps the audience hooked and interested in all the different parts of the scene.


Cross Cutting is an editing technique used in film and video to establish action in two different locations, occurring at the same time. In this technique the camera will cut from one action to another. Cross cutting can be used to create suspense and excitement during a scene, for example in a chase sequence swapping from one person to another.