2001: A Space Odyssey (film)

Jump Cut Example: 2001 A Space Odyssey

In the 1968 film Stanley Kubrick film ‘2001: A Space Odyssey,’ there is an effective use of Jump Cut. In the scene an ape, throws a bone in the air. It goes high, then as it comes down, the bone turns into the spaceship.

The bone which is a weapon of pre-histoirc man and the scene contains a jump cut as the bone flies through the air. Then the scene takes a leap forward about a million years, and the bone gives way to a similar shaped spaceship. This jump cut quickly shows the evolution and advances of man, to the ape to modern day, where we had been to space. This scene portrays the birth of modern man, and shows a dramatic upgrade new technology that have happened through millions of years, but shown in a few seconds. Kubrick uses this scene to portray the message of how sufficient the evolution of man is, as compared to other events that happen in the universe the birth of man is a small and sudden development.